Q4 2023: Foundational Development
Crafting a visually appealing and informative website to introduce EhaQuest to the public.
Finalizing the detailed whitepaper that outlines EhaQuest's vision, technology, and roadmap.
Q1 2024: Initial Design Phase
Creating the first model of the genesis avatar, setting the standard for digital identity in EhaQuest.
Structuring the foundational map model that will form the core environment of EhaQuest's virtual world.
Q2 2024: Public Launch of Core Elements
Unveiling the basic map model to the public, showcasing the primary landscape of EhaQuest.
Publishing a range of NFT models and programmable plug-ins for enhanced user interaction.
Releasing the inaugural set of NFT assets, marking the beginning of digital asset integration.
Opening EhaQuest's marketplace for NFT and digital asset trading.
Q3 2024: Beta Version and Land Auction
Finalizing and releasing the beta version of EhaQuest for user testing and feedback.
Conducting the first auction of virtual land, offering users ownership opportunities within EhaQuest.
Q4 2024: Expansion and Collaboration
Issuing more diverse sets of NFT assets, expanding the range of digital collectibles and items.
Hosting virtual runway shows within EhaQuest, showcasing digital fashion and designs.
Partnering with various brands to integrate their products and services into EhaQuest's ecosystem.
Last updated